Unlimited Resources
The disciples of Christ who were with Him from day to day did not comprehend His mission. . . . They were unacquainted with His unlimited resources and power. Although they had witnessed His miracles they did not discern His relationship to the Father. Just before His death He said to them, "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name." In simple language Jesus explained to them that the secret of their success would be in asking the Father for strength and grace in His name. He would be present before the face of the Father to make request in their behalf. . .
We need to become better acquainted with the terms upon which salvation will be ours, and better understand the relation which Christ sustains to us and to the Father. He has pledged Himself to honor His Son's name as we present it at the throne of grace. We should consider the great sacrifice that was made in our behalf to purchase for us the robe of righteousness woven in the loom of heaven. He has invited us to the wedding feast, and has provided for every one of us the wedding garment. The robe of righteousness has been purchased at infinite cost, and how daring is the insult to Heaven when one presents himself as a candidate for entrance at the wedding feast when wearing his own citizen's dress of self-righteousness! How greatly he dishonors God, openly showing contempt for the sacrifice made on Calvary! . .
No one will taste of the marriage supper of the Lamb who has not on a wedding garment. But John writes, ". . . He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." Then, before it is eternally too late, let each one go to the heavenly Merchantman for the white raiment, the eyesalve, the gold tried in the fire, and the oil of heavenly grace. TMK 264